Thursday, September 25, 2014

First Night at a Call Center

This is my first time to write online and I feel very happy sharing my thoughts and experiences as a

Call Center Agent.

I could never ever forget my first night working at a Call Center. It was a very cold and exciting

night. People all around me was so lively and full of energy. You can hear different types of voices

all around you. From People trying to sell anything to troubleshooting any electronic devices they

can. Mostly I was amazed they they build rapport to their customers. Its like they have mastered all

types of feelings and personalities of their customers. I was amazed during my first night that I could

barely understand most of the terms their using inside the production floor. A lot of friendly people

and state of the art equipment and a very comfortable cool environment is going to be my soon home

away from place to stay and work with. I really enjoyed my first night that made me slept right away

when I went home, due to being tired of exhausting all of my energy learning a lot of new things in

the Call Center industry. little did I know that this is just the beginning of my call center life


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