Thursday, October 2, 2014

Rest Day

Rest day is one of my favorite and most awaited day working as a Call Center Agent. After five days

of nine hours straight taking in calls back to back with different issues, different people and different

types of action inside our production floor Rest day is one of the best solution to convert all the

stress out.

Sometimes we all need to rest in order to charge ourselves and replenish all the strength, energy and

excitement within us.

Its my best day to go out, roam around the City, surf the night more than four hours, and watch some

blockbuster movies. I know that spending my Rest Day like a vacation, where I could spend the

whole day of fun, but I tend not to forget that its just only a day or two and that the rest or most the

days that I'll spend is going back to my Call Center Agent  life taking in  a bunch yet happy calls.

Then I just realized that I need to spend my Rest day wise. I need to think smart on how to use my

rest day on how to turn it one of my asset to maximize my time and at the same time I still enjoy it.

So I just came up with a simple schedule-program and lists of things that I need to do. During the

days when I'm on duty, every time that I have a free time, I think of the important things, filter them

down from the most important to the least, and lists them down to my pocket notebook and I just

simply follow and apply it during my Rest day.

For me best and smart way to spend a Rest day is to  plan it ahead of time , stick with your plan and

enjoy it. Even though I'm still on the process of figuring out how to improve my short and cute time

to spend my Rest day.

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